🚨 PSA: Scammers are impersonating Vase.ai

Scammers are pretending to be from Vase.ai, reaching out to users to do "tasks" over Whatsapp and Telegram.

Please be aware of the following:

  • Scammers are contacting people via WhatsApp and Telegram, falsely using our company name and details, like in the screenshots below:

Screenshot 2023-06-26 at 10.32.16 AM

  • They aim to collect personal information and request tasks/surveys in exchange for money. Then they will ask for you to transfer / pay money to them. THIS IS A SCAM!
  • DO NOT share personal information or engage with them in any way.
  • Report any suspicious numbers immediately to help us take action against these scammers. You can report a scam contact on WhatsApp by following the instructions here or on Telegram by copying their username and send it to abuse@telegram.org (can watch video here if you need more guidance.)
  • Legitimate survey opportunities from Vase.ai will ONLY be communicated through our official Vase Surveys mobile app and we NEVER ask you to pay money to us to receive your rewards.
  • Our staff will always use email addresses with the company domain (@vase.ai or @getvase.com), and you can view all our staff on our Linkedin here.

    Stay safe! Protect yourself and others by reporting these scammers promptly.