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What questions should I ask?

Confused about how to come up with a questionnaire and not sure where to start? Try starting with a central question.


So what questions should you ask? Should you ask every question that comes up to mind?

You could do that, but that might result in your answers not tying to each other.

Rather, it is advised to start with a central question and build from there.

Your central question should attempt to address the most important thing you want to find out.

Based on your current understanding of the thing you want to find out, what would you predict the answer(s) to be? Faced with those answers, what would you like to ask in order to continue your understanding?

You can then repeat the same process with the question you came up with. Remember that ultimately all these subsequent questions are to build your understanding of the central question.

Once you have a body of questions you are satisfied with, congratulations, you have just created a study to validate your hypothesis, which was the central question we started this journey with.

A hypothesis is crucial to the building of insights for your study. The prediction of answers you make, help guide the information you get, whether it was something you expect or was unexpected.