This article illustrates the information required to share with team for managed service concept testing study:
- For product concept / storyboard, you can choose to share Image, Video, Text.
- Sharing format
- If you are sharing across Image, you can also share additional explanations of the concept. If you are sharing both items, please share across them in a PPT file where we can relate the image and text together.
- Please also share the individual files for the concept, so we can upload it to the dashboard / platform. Please ensure that the photos are in High Resolution files to ensure that it is clear for respondents to view.
- Image format
- Most survey are answered by respondents through mobile. It will be best to ensure your images are mobile-friendly.
- Text format
- It will be best to keep your text short, succinct and sweet. You can also use bullet points to illustrate your features and benefits.
- Sharing format
- If you are testing any of the following, please share across the list for us to include. It will be best to keep your text short, succinct and sweet.
- Product Features
- Product Benefits
- Problems that you would like to validate
- Insights that you would like to validate
- Taglines
- You can expect to have a review of how these looks like once we script it on our platform :)
To help you get inspired, here are some examples :
Example 1 - Image only concepts
Example 2A - Description with images
Example 2B - Description with images
Example 3A - Feature-heavy concepts
Example 3B - Feature-heavy concepts
Example 4 - Concepts with benefits
Example 5 - Concepts with benefits through reviews