Want to ask questions about the data you collected, or about how to use our dashboard? Book an Insights Q&A session with us!
So you've successfully gathered your survey results, and you now have some data that you need to make sense of. We've got your back!
In our Insights Q&A session, you can prepare a list of questions for us that we will help you address using your own data. If you're not sure where to start in compiling the questions you might have, refer to the questions below to as a guide:
- What are you trying to decide based on this data?
- Which questions in your survey gives you data that directly helps you make this decision?
Are the answers to these questions giving you a clear idea of your next steps? - Is there any data (or any particular questions) that you would like to analyse further, but you're unsure how? Take note of the relevant questions and the further information you'd like to gain from it.
The Insights Q&A session will differ a little, depending on how you launched your survey.
- If you're launching the survey via our survey builder, i.e. you have your questionnaire or use our Every Expert Templates or a combination of both, we will also guide you through the dashboard and show you some features.
- If you're launching the survey using Automated Insight Launcher, you would have received the automated report. We will answer the questions you have regarding the report.
Send us your questions a day before your Insights Q&A so that we can better address them! You will be able to book a session with us once your survey's fieldwork period is complete or your report is available for download (if you're using Automated Insight Launcher).